Makes everything more bearable.


- Hello!? What are you doing?
- What?
- Well, confusers and influencers.
- I see. Well, you see, new is not born on old.
- What?
- No, we have to break down encrusted thought patterns, I would even go so far as to say we have to smash them first, only then can the new germinate. Then the influencer comes into play. You're influencing yourself all day long. They already do. Just in the old thought patterns. Now it's time to influence yourself in a more target-oriented way.
- What?
- Never mind, come and see us, we will lovingly disturb you and you will be satisfied. Maybe not right away, but even more so later.

Hm ..., your inner monologue runs and runs and your ears are at half-mast. The thoughts are rattling. Opinions tumble over each other, information is exchanged and left somewhere along the way.

What exactly are you doing when you listen? Where is your attention? Are you just giving the other person time to talk or are you actually listening? Are you already thinking about what you are going to say while your counterpart is still talking? Or do you already know what you are going to say? Actually, you know better anyway? Or do you not understand what your counterpart is trying to tell you?

No, not you. You are the attentive listener. How do you do that? We practise. And ... you are irresistible.

That's what my drama teacher once told me. But what does that have to do with communication? Well, if we are not touched or in some way impressed by what we see, hear, taste, smell, touch, feel, then it is also difficult to touch others.